Read more about the article Story of Chen Zhaopi’s Insights on Tai Chi Quan in His Later Years
martial secrets

Story of Chen Zhaopi’s Insights on Tai Chi Quan in His Later Years

To practice Tai Chi Quan, one must understand what is 'Chan Si Jin' (Silk-Reeling Energy). In Tai Chi Quan, we cultivate internal energy, and internal energy is 'Chan Si Jin.' Anything produced in a circular manner carries the essence of 'Chan Si Jin.' Chen-style Tai Chi Quan encompasses movement in all directions: up, down, left, right, front, back, internally involving the five organs and the skeletal structure, and externally encompassing the muscles, skin, and hair. There is no pulling or lifting, no flat or straight lines, no defects or protrusions, no breaks or interruptions. It is a harmonious whole that meets the standard. Therefore, Chen-style Tai Chi Quan relies entirely on circular force and 'Chan Si Jin.' Because it lacks flat or straight lines and does not rely on pulling or lifting.

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Read more about the article How Tai Chi Fa Jin – Release Energy ?
martial secrets

How Tai Chi Fa Jin – Release Energy ?

The explosive power of being relaxed, flexible, and bouncing is the essence of Chen-style Tai Chi Quan, and it is one of the main differences between Chen-style Tai Chi Quan and other Tai Chi Quan styles. Many Tai Chi enthusiasts admire the ability to emit force, but after years of diligent practice, only a few can fully grasp and freely control it with their intention, Qi, and power in perfect harmony. The reason behind this scarcity is the lack of proper guidance and understanding. However, if one truly comprehends the principles of emitting force in Chen-style Tai Chi Quan, mastering it becomes an achievable task.

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