How Tai Chi is Better than MMA?

       Tai Chi and MMA are both martial arts that require practitioners to attain a high level of physical fitness, which often leads to them being compared in terms of their effectiveness as fighting styles. However, there are many aspects of Tai Chi that make it better than MMA, specifically when it comes to taking out your opponent without causing serious bodily harm. This article will compare the two fighting styles and explain why Tai Chi is far superior.

    MMA is a popular combat sport that involves fighters using a combination of techniques from various martial arts styles, such as boxing, jujitsu, and Muay Thai. This makes it an extremely versatile form of fighting, but one that also has the potential to cause serious injury. In fact, in 2012 there were 3,744 MMA-related hospitalizations in the United States. Contrast this with Tai Chi, a martial art that has been around for centuries and is known for its focus on defense and its ability to incapacitate an attacker without causing them any serious harm.

     Tai Chi is based on the use of gentle flowing movements that are designed to deflect and redirect an opponent’s energy. This makes it an extremely effective form of self-defense, as it is very difficult for an opponent to land a clean hit on you. In addition, Tai Chi teaches practitioners how to use their opponent’s own energy against them, which can quickly incapacitate them without causing any serious injury.

What is Tai Chi Anyway?

Before talking about how it’s better than MMA, let’s first talk about what Tai Chi actually is. It was a martial art that became an exercise for health as well. The movements of Tai Chi are slow and continuous, but also powerful and sharp. Similar to yoga but more about form, T’ai chi uses chi, a flow of energy in your body that can be used for healing and self-defense, as well as physical power.

The style teaches you to use your opponent’s force against him or her rather than fighting with it directly; when done correctly, you become like water. And since jiujitsu trains people to attack and defend simultaneously, each one must be trained by different professionals in order to achieve maximum results. We recommend looking into both styles if you’re interested in learning some sort of martial arts; however, we suggest picking up tai chi before learning any other types because it will teach you many concepts that apply to all styles.

Plus, practicing tai chi will help keep your muscles flexible and healthy while also relieving stress and helping with concentration. And although every tai chi class is different depending on who teaches them, most start off by teaching proper breathing techniques before moving on to stances and moves.

What Makes Tai Chi Better Than MMA

This is a trick question, as tai chi and mixed martial arts are two entirely different things. However, I’m assuming you’re asking Which is better? This all depends on your personal preference. While we do need to get into some details here, keep in mind that a lot of what we say here will be subjective.

We may say one art is better than another, but that’s only because we find certain aspects more useful or important. But what works for us might not work for you – so don’t take our word as law when it comes to learning combat skills. Instead, use our answer as a starting point for your own research and experimentation! Finally, before we begin talking about specifics there are two overarching questions about any martial art:

1) Does training with their style increase my chances of surviving an actual violent confrontation? and

2) Are they worth learning even if they don’t improve those chances? If you can’t answer yes to both then forget about them!

A good self-defense system must give people options: people come in many shapes and sizes (both physically & mentally) and very few individuals have time/money/effort/enthusiasm to dedicate themselves to hours upon hours of study.

What Are the Benefits of Practicing Tai Chi?

Modern-day martial arts seem to take a lot of their cues from Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Don’t get me wrong, MMA is great for those who are competing in or training for that kind of fight. But it’s definitely not as beneficial as tai chi. In fact, many fighters say tai chi is one of their favorite forms of exercise because it offers tons of benefits. So, what are some reasons why you should be practicing tai chi instead of MMA? Here’s a list:

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What are the Advantages of Tai Chi Over MMA?

Instructors at your local tai chi school typically teach a variety of students of all ages and skill levels. This can be done through classes or even one-on-one sessions. Tai chi is an accessible form of exercise that doesn’t require you to use gym equipment, so it’s great for people who don’t have easy access to a facility or want to work out on their own schedule.

Classes are typically small—usually no more than six students per instructor—which means instructors can offer customized training to everyone. Of course, some benefits are specifically physical. Tai chi uses many different movement styles, making it a dynamic form of exercise that improves range of motion and builds strength in key muscle groups like your core and back muscles.

Sample Class Structure

Group classes are a popular way to learn tai chi. The idea is to keep instruction simple, so it’s not only easy for beginners to follow along, but also easy for teachers with different styles and approaches to do their own thing within a shared, basic structure. Group classes can get expensive quickly—most programs charge between $100 and $300 per month—but that’s no more than you might spend on a new hobby.

And if group classes don’t work out, you can always strike out on your own. Many studios offer private lessons as well as one-on-one sessions with experienced practitioners (often at discounted rates). You can even save money by sharing space in a public park or gymnasium for practice. Think about spending about an hour or two every other day on your feet working through key exercises like lunges, pushups, and qigong movements.

As part of an active lifestyle that involves regular movement and exercise, tai chi is nothing short of miraculous in its effect on physical health—it will strengthen muscles while toning joints; help regulate blood pressure; reduce stress; improve digestion; support proper organ function; boost immunity against colds and flu; burn calories faster than yoga even while resting; promote better sleep quality.

It would be difficult to overstate the benefits of tai chi in regards to its effect on mental and emotional wellbeing. A few of the more well-known advantages include improved concentration, increased self-esteem and confidence, decreased stress and anxiety levels, and better emotional control.

But what’s most important to remember is that tai chi is a journey, not a destination. The focus should be on the process, not the end result. As you progress in your practice, you’ll find that the benefits extend far beyond the physical and into every aspect of your life. And that’s when things really get interesting.


If you’re looking for a way to release tension, get fit and boost your self-confidence, traditional martial arts are worth a look. From Tae Kwon Do to Kung Fu, there’s something for everyone. Start an intense workout routine with no punching and kicking—if you’re like most people these days and think that martial arts are violent. When practiced correctly, martial arts is actually about finding peace and calm in an often chaotic world.


Question: Is tai chi an effective form of self-defense?

Answer: Tai chi is not only an effective form of self-defense but also a preventative measure against injuries. The slow, controlled movements help to condition the muscles and joints, making them stronger and more flexible. This can help to prevent falls and other injuries.

Question: What are some of the other benefits of tai chi?

Answer: In addition to the physical benefits, tai chi has also been shown to improve mental health. The slow, controlled movements help to focus the mind and reduce stress. Tai chi has also been shown to improve balance and coordination.

Question: How much does it cost to take tai chi classes?

Answer: The cost of taking tai chi classes can vary depending on the instructor and the location. However, group classes are typically around $100-300 per month. Private lessons and one-on-one sessions are usually less expensive.

Question: What should I wear to my tai chi class?

Answer: You should wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely. You may want to avoid loose clothing or jewelry that could get caught in equipment or pose a safety hazard.

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