Can Tai Chi Really Fights ?

This is question been going around for very long time, So many people still confused till today,  I get why people are unsure, have doubt , I will Clearly all the clouds for you in this article. we will explain everything about Tai Chi and its changes time through times.

The Origin,

About 390 years ago, Tai Chi was created in Ching Dynasty , it was set of movement combine softness and hardness, the slowness and fastness, the Yin and the Yang,  the very origin is still unsure,  but  now days Some says, Chen Wangting in Chen village Henan province,, Some say, Chang San Feng from Wutang Mountain. Both place mention and have “history” that Tai Chi practicer was use for either Bodyguard or for Combat. It was well documented piece history in the time.  overall Officials in China have  recognize Chen Village as the birth place for Tai Chi, but People from Wutang have different voices.  arguably both party agree that  is no question about Tai Chi can fight, Tai Chi Can fights,

We all know no matter in which area or form, only the strongest survival, so are the martial art world, if Tai Chi is useless, it wont exit, it  will not survival the 490 years history ,  Because it in our gens, people will and always want to learn the Best from for theirs self, or at least something that actually works , before the modern China,  people have different concept of living, there is no gym, its just either works, or just living, Losing weight ?  health concern ? allergy?  it just don’t exist,  people do not learn Tai Chi for those reasons,

The Doubt

Two major reasons why there is people question about Can Tai Chi really Fights.

First one is really do you see  it all ? There is saying many people probably heard of it, what you see what you believes, just ask people around you  what style of Tai Chi do you see most ? pretty sure the answer is Yang Style,  When you see a person practice Tai Chi with claims and high stance its Yang Style.  when you reading this, perhaps you may already know there is Five Major style of Tai Chi, and they all are created base on the concept of Chen Style but with slightly changes. Why do you only see Yang style more often not others and Why it is more popular ?

  1. because it easier to learn, less requirement.
  2. because it was first Tai Chi that open to general public everyone can learn, ( while Chen Style is still passing down in family lines, kept in secret. )
  3. There have few froms,

Can Yang Style Fights ? yes, can modern Yang Style fight ?  Not sure, base on who is proacting it ? and how it was practice ? what you see is most yang style are practice by elderly age people right ? ,.and what else do they do beside practice the form ? and you already know the answer,they doing it for health benefits. , do they do any weight training ?,maybe not,  the root of Yang Style is about the same as Chen Style, it also require a lot low stance and a lot of rough strength trainings. it is not always slow movement with pretty hand gestures.

Tai Chi is combine the softness hardness slowness fastness, have you see it all ? do you see the hard fast form? the actually fighting form ? probably no. because most time it hard to practice and tough to learn.

Second reason is say you found a Chen Style Teacher, Did you learn it right ? did he teach you correctly ?

Remember the forms, there is  two set major form now days, first soft slow, second hard fast.,  and same time do you train you strength ?or Kicking,  ? because back in the days, People not only practice the forms, they also train for weight and speed, lift weights, kick wood poles, remember the Yang and Yin,  the softness is just Half,

there also famous quote Practice the form but not practice the basic, when the time come you have nothing, The form means the skills sets, and for basic is refer to the fundamental strength and legs, (练武不练功 到老 一场空), it applied to all form martial arts.  also the second famous quote if you not heard of it, 一力降十会 , One person have enough strength  can overcome all any other skills, , simply put if you are weak skinny person ,and you learn Tai Chi , you probably have some better chance against avenge folks, but if you weak and trains your strength,  become stronger and with Tai Chi skills, you will afraid no one. but how many of you get chance to Learn all the Tai Chi Skill and have proper strength training ?

Chen Style Major forms,

  • Old Frame 1ist and Second routine
  • New frame 1st and Second Routine
  • Push Hand and Weapons, Sword, Broadsword, Spears, Long Staff, Double Swords, Double broadswords, Double Fits, Kwan Dao,

Pushhand was just another extremely safe methods to practice to test both parties sensitive to feel the energy, to grab  or to push or check one’s footwork’s, one person is weak than another can push him or throw him around. it sololy for practice only, it help to improve both person form and foundation on legworks and properly shafting the income forces, and how quickly your body to response to a attack. it was extremely effective.  , a lot people mistake it for fight purpose, which is wrong. you don’t use pushand for fighting, they ain’t come here says hey touch my hands.

And Secret form 36 Elbow Shoulder Strike form, many people never heard of it.  its fighting form so much similar to the Muay Thai from, not the Muay Thai Boxing, they are different thing. the movie Star Tony Jaa is doing Muay Thai form, a short form with fast pace, mix use elbow , Knee and Shoulders to strike.  very deadly, maybe partial that reason it did not passing down to a lot people, it do kills. , as today only a handful the people know it in China. ,

And there is laughable Competition form, 56 form, 18 forms, or 8 forms, it was created by the Officials for competition only, mixed with all other Wutang Shaolin and Tai Chi movement’s, it something you do  compete with other, When everybody have same form, its easier to compares. it is just a form to show who is better looking,  it just purely waste time and energy.

The Major two set forms, its always First one slow to help you built and train strength and skill, and have solid foundation.  Second one for train burst energy or fights. most the people don’t have the patient and  wont pass the first Forms, because it require long time practice.  When come to martial art, nothing is easy. sadly so many people misunderstand of Tai Chi. and so many people still misleading it.  and believe seeing all around Yang Style, and its all.  the truth is Yang Style do not represent all the Tai Chi.

See people practice Yang Style and you think Tai Chi cannot be use as self defense, its half true, remember there is so much more about it.  also so finding the right teacher is extremely important for beginner. For fighting propose Chen Style is slipping  away, Yang Style is more worse, continue reads, you will find out more.

The Evolution

In present time, with pressure from work and kids, mortgages, People just want to do something fast quick, to release, you can learn MMA and become expert in a few months or Muay Thai, on the hand Tai Chi require more complicate training, Stances, and Power and Speed, Which a lot people lacking of the patient and peace minds,  by comparison, learn MMA is shortcut, , When people have guns MMA wont be much useful,  it just the time we are living in now.  back in the day there is no boxing, there is no MMA, and our way of living our life changes, and People changes, so are Tai Chi, soft slow form are more easier to accept by general public.  .

But I would vote compare to MMA, Tai Chi is still better choice to go,

beside the fighting skills we all knows, Tai Chi have so many health benefits, it just so much, like stress relief, cure backpain, weigh loss, help improve balance, help diabetes. Tai Chi is life long arts. you can still learn when you 40s or 60s,   and with right teacher, why not practice self defense with some health benefit?

MMA is mainly fight, probably that only thing good for MMA.   more likely you body just cant do any more that MMA moves in age of 50 or 60s,  I’m not MMA expert, so if you have any suggest, welcome to email me for changes.

The Money

When is last time you attend to a seminar ? and how long time and how much they charge you ?, How is you teacher backgrounds ? most people would say they have like 10 or 15  years history practice Tai Chi, but did they do it right ? please understand the time they use to  practice Tai Chi  do not equal to how great they are, its the hard truth.

here goes a true story ,  A person come from CA  to Houston by driving to met a Grandmaster, the GM ask him demo some from, and let me see what you got, and the person from CA practice little short form,  and the GM asked, how long you practice ? he answer 30 years, the GM then Spoke, if I says you right, you all right, if say you wrong you all wrong, for beginner you all rights, for person who use 30 year to practice, you all wrong, the details, the person was have the dark face not very happy. then The GM explains, all Tai Chi follow the same fundamental  principle  and theory, no matter which style, they all share the exactly same concept, it just simple compare what you practiced to theory, than he felt bad and drive away.  its sad story, but it very common.

again understand the principle of  Tai Chi and Finding the right Teaching are extremely important.

In 2018  China TV show I believe there is a so call master name “Lei lei”  got beat down in a fight by MMA boxer in 5 second, the background of “Lei Lei”, he practice Tai Chi for about 8 year, we don’t know who he learn from, and then he open school to Teaches,  don’t get me wrong, only Tai Chi for 8 year, honestly that is very short time, it just get you one step half way in the door of Tai Chi world.  this is perfect Example for now day teachers,  lacking of patients and lacking of knowology , and hungry for fame and money.

to be contiuned

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