Super Detail guide on how to tai chi stance

So before we getting into why its important, let make sure you did it properly . 1. Starting Posture (Qi Shi) Body Position: Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart. Feet should point straight forward, without inward or outward angles. Ensure full contact between the soles of your feet and the ground. Arms & Eyes: Let arms hang naturally by your sides. Look straight ahead or close your eyes to focus your mind.

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Three Stage of Tai CHi standing

Because Yin and Yang depend on each other (each exists as a precondition for the other), pure Yin does not last, and pure Yang does not endure. Hence, in martial arts, there is no absolute relaxation or tension. Complete relaxation is slackness, and complete tension is stiffness. There is relaxation within tension, and tension within relaxation, the transformations of Yin and Yang are infinitely profound.

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