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Incredibale grandmaster Wang Xian Explain (Na Jin)

Only by applying skillful techniques to seize the opponent and prevent their escape and evasion can striking be executed effortlessly and yield favorable results. When applying seizing techniques, one must be light, agile, and clever in their movements, so that the opponent is captured without even realizing it, embodying the essence of “the utmost of skill” as mentioned in Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War.”

Being light, agile, and clever means that when attempting to seize, one should not exert excessive force with their hands. The engagement and entanglement with the opponent’s hand should be light and responsive. By the time the enemy becomes aware, the lightness has transformed into heaviness, making it difficult for them to escape. Seizing techniques should be applied in a flexible and alternating manner, adapting and responding to the opponent’s changes. Only through agile and adaptive responses based on the opponent’s movements can effective results be achieved. If one fails to be light and agile in their movements, the opponent will recognize their strength and attempt to escape. In such situations, one should intercept the opponent’s escape attempt and quickly seize them again when their hand is about to withdraw, thereby ensuring success. These remedial measures still revolve around the principles of sticking, adhering, connecting, and following, as well as the lightness and cleverness in hand techniques, which should not be overlooked.

In the use of seizing techniques, it is also crucial to combine them with a relaxed and sinking body posture. One must not allow the use of seizing techniques to cause the Qi to rise and the root to be lifted from the ground. If the Qi rises, the foundation becomes unstable, and with an unstable center of gravity, it becomes difficult to protect oneself, let alone seize others. Therefore, when attempting to seize someone, it is essential to maintain relaxation in all joints of the body. When relaxation is achieved, the chest naturally becomes concave and rounded, the ribcage naturally sinks downward, and the crotch connects with the shoulders. The whole body can then respond harmoniously, with every part capable of coordinating. It is said that when the body is relaxed, there is no part that is not relaxed, and when the body is coordinated, there is no part that is not coordinated. This enables the entire body to remain still when at rest and move as a whole when in motion. It is said that seizing should integrate the internal and external, transitioning from lightness to heaviness, with a clear focal point, resembling a bullet fired from a chamber, spiraling straight ahead, with no wasted motion, and hitting the target as soon as it is seized.





  • When initially seizing, one should not be reckless, but rather keep it in mind from the beginning to the end.
  •  The crotch should be closed, the abdomen solid, and the chest should be concave, while the ribs are bound and the shoulders tucked, 
  • following the movement of the waist. In seizing, both closure and application should be used, 
  • paying attention to the path of force, and the whole body should be relaxed when intending to seize.
  •  The coordination of strength and the clarity of the force point are necessary, while agility and dexterity are the essence of skill.

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